The Garvey School/Egun Omode Shule fbicon

Egun  Omode Shule

The Garvey School/Egun Omode Shule seeks strong families that are committed to strengthening their educational and cultural awareness. As an African-centered school, our focus is on the education of the entire family, not just the child. A child centered curriculum breeds individualism which has not helped our communities, our largely Black communities to be self-sufficient and thriving neighborhoods. As we teach the family, we encorporate everyone involved in the nurturing of the child so we can learn and grow collectively, thus practicing the Nguzo Saba principle of Ujima (collective work and responsibility)-to build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together.

We believe that the purpose of education is to ensure the survival of our families, communities, and nation. Therefore, what our students learn, our families learn. When our students succeed, our families succeed.

NOTE: Admissions into Kindergarten for a 4 or 5 year old child depends on the child's academic ability. Generally if the child is 4 or 5 years old and has not had a consistent educational foundation, which most daycares do not provide, they will generally enter pre-Kindergarten.

We will test each child to make the proper determination.

NOTE: Students must enter Egun Omode Shule by the 5th grade to matriculate through the middle school. Few exceptions apply.
